tinyLiDAR Mounting Bracket PCB Kit

Yes, mounting anything the size of a quarter can be tricky 😉 And mounting it at 90deg can prove to be a bigger challenge. To make life a bit easier, we have provided two holes spaced 20mm apart on each tinyLiDAR so you can use M2 screws to mount them to anything you like. For applications like the “Follow-Me 2” sketch, we have made a universal “bracket” PCB to enable users to mount three tinyLiDARs at angles appropriate for the sketch. This board also allows you to mount sensors at 90deg if desired with the included 90deg header pins. The bracket PCB kit comes with everything shown in the picture. There are eight M2x10 socket cap screws included along with 4 sets of header pins.

This board can be used to mount a single sensor at 90deg using the provided right-angle header pins for the Radar Sketch or three sensors at proper angles as used in the “Follow-Me 2” Sketch by using only the M2x10mm screws provided. Read more about this sketch here, and download the updated code from the tinyLiDAR page.
3 tinyLiDAR Sensors for the “Follow-Me 2” Sketch Mounted Using only M2 Screws